The courage to displease

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 1:06:07 AM

Leadership in the age of technology involves more than charisma and empathy; it requires authenticity and the courage to disagree when necessary. True leadership goes beyond pleasing everyone, focusing on building genuine and humanized relationships. In the technological age we live in, we need to create an environment where individuality and genuine expression are valued.

We want more humanized relationships, but we don't tolerate our own inconsistencies and flaws. We're more concerned with not having to apologize than with making mistakes and learning. It's time to reflect on this.

It's not forbidden to displease. It's forbidden to be a bad professional.

It's normal for professionals to disagree. Who says it's wrong to disagree? When were we robbed of the right to genuine expression? I see people almost exploding for fear of others' reactions. They want to express themselves, but they sabotage themselves, living muzzled by fear.

The main question is: how brave are you to be displeased? It's not about being a complainer, but about ordinary people who are tired of fighting for their beliefs, fearing social condemnation. In environments of digital influencers, being different is extremely inconvenient.

When we are stifled in our genuine expression, we lose part of our humanity. Emotional intelligence is fundamental, but it must not suppress our essence.

To grow in your career, you need courage and boldness. Not fear. You have to know how to respect and not tolerate your individuality. You have to be aware that you run risks all the time, that you are the result of your successes and mistakes.

Those who are good, dare! Be bold. Think differently. As the saying goes, doing the same and expecting something different is the first mistake of the fearful.