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The truth about technology for lawyers

A verdade sobre Tecnologia para Advogados


If you're a real lawyer, you've already faced a battle: finding software that meets your specific needs when it comes to managing cases, contracts and consultations. It's a much more common challenge than you might think in the legal market.

What the market presents as a solution is the opposite of this need. If you do a quick search, you'll find aging software that is not at all adaptable to the specific demands of each case.

Legal technology companies, known as Legal Techs, have realized this great opportunity and are trying to fill this gap by offering modular solutions that are closer to the real needs of real lawyers. The idea behind these modular solutions is to incorporate the perspective of those who have already been in the lawyer's position to create more efficient tools.

This is where major difficulties arise. Software that presents itself as specialized in different areas, such as CLM, CRM, Consulting, Real Estate or other areas. The result: a series of softwares that don't integrate and force lawyers to buy several systems to meet their operational needs.

To resolve this situation, what every real lawyer should know is what NO CODE means.

This term refers to the latest technology on the legal software market. This type of software allows the flexibility to rename fields and build flows simply and without the need for support for this "system change". This is because NO CODE software allows users to create their own solutions without the need for programming.

Another great advantage of NO CODE software is the cost. While traditional software charges implementation, integration and maintenance fees, NO CODE drastically reduces costs because it doesn't rely on programmers or developers.

In addition, NO CODE software is highly user-friendly because it is enhanced by user experience and user feedback. This means that lawyers can count on software that adapts to their needs and offers an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

And finally, the reason why large companies, law firms and well-known lawyers opt for NO CODE is collaboration between areas, allowing smooth and efficient integration between different departments. This is especially important for good lawyers, who often need to work closely with other areas, such as finance, human resources and purchasing.

If you're a lawyer looking for a technological solution that meets your specific needs and promotes efficiency in your operations, NO CODE could be the answer you're looking for.