Stop exchanging e-mails

Written by Natalia Lima | Jun 20, 2024 8:45:02 PM

Have you ever found yourself stuck in an endless chain of emails exchanging a few words to resolve a specific situation?

This scenario is quite common in organizations. According to data from Insper and Statista, around 376.4 billion emails are sent every day, with an opening rate of 46%.

The reality of emails in companies

Business emails cover a wide range of subjects, especially in administrative sectors with a high turnover of information, such as Human Resources, Personnel, Administration and Finance. Here are some common practices:

Human Resources:

- Communication of responses to selection processes;

- Requests to send documents and digital attachments;

- Electronic spreadsheets for filling in information with personal data;

- Requesting and approving reimbursements, advances and expenses.


- Requisitioning services;

- Receipt of invoices;

- Approval of expenses;

- Requests for payment or receipt.

Professionals spend around 27% of their working time reading and replying to emails, the content of which often remains disorganized and disconnected from a more effective work process. This habit is detrimental to companies' efficiency and productivity, especially when emails accumulate without a clear data structure.

The Negative Impact of Emails on Productivity

Repeating tasks and reading too many emails are major productivity villains. Research shows that the global average of hours spent on repetitive tasks exceeds four and a half hours per day per worker. This scenario aggravates professional dissatisfaction and reduces team efficiency.

Today, there are technologies capable of offering the same dynamics as emails, but with the advantage of automating the collection and classification of information for better time and data management.

Technological Solutions to Improve Business Management

To eliminate email overload and improve business management, consider the following practices:

1 - Understand the limitations of emails:

Emails are just texts that don't structure data efficiently, which leads to unproductivity.

2 - Too many revisions and confirmations:

Failure to centralize information leads to multiple reviews, increasing the incidence of operational errors.

3 - Simplify approvals:

Replace the sending of simple "in agreement" or "approved" with systems that centralize and organize approvals, improving the focus of professionals.

4 - Be strategic:

Companies that use modern technologies to organize data can turn that information into new sources of revenue and increased productivity. Emails alone cannot efficiently classify and organize data.

Adopt innovative technologies

Technologies such as ENSPACE help to empower human work by offering tools that really matter to organizations and restore a sense of meaning to employees. ENSPACE allows forms to be created, documents to be attached and guarantees the security and organization of information, automating workflows and minimizing errors.

Transform the way your company handles communication and data management. Reduce your dependence on email and adopt advanced technological solutions to improve efficiency and productivity. Talk to one of our experts and find out how ENSPACE can help your organization get organized beyond email.