Romantic Lawyers vs. Mechanical Lawyers

Written by Natalia Lima | Jun 20, 2024 8:38:53 PM

The Brazilian legal world is at a turning point. While some lawyers are still comfortable with traditional practices, others, more innovative, are upset and seeking to transform the profession.

The insistence on conventional practices suggests that being a lawyer still means, for many, being constantly directed towards the judiciary. However, the digital age is demanding a change in mentality.

The Content Deficit in Legal Education

Law teaching is still too tied to the operational approach and the forum. Many law students believe that the profession boils down to a combination of legal brocades, technicalities and well-known theses. However, the modern lawyer needs much more than this to stand out and add real value.

Today's Lawyer Profiles

Today, there are two main profiles of lawyers:

  1. Romantic Lawyrs
    1. They defend their causes with passion and reverence.
    2. They see their clients' rights as their own.
    3. They are technical, minimalist and have an almost matrimonial relationship with their arguments
  2. Mechanical Lawyers:
    1. They apply management theories in search of results.
    2. They focus on business, profit and client satisfaction.
    3. They value organization and operational efficiency.

The New Reality of Legal Information

With computerization and easy access to information, clients often search for data and results on their own. This reduces lawyers' traditional control over the processing and presentation of information. Romantic lawyers, who cling to their theses and total control of information, may feel challenged by this change.

The Importance of Adaptation

Resistance to technological advances and the openness of information can be detrimental. Lawyers need to adapt to the modern world, where human-machine interaction and the efficient use of technology are crucial. Instead of seeing technology as a threat, it should be seen as an ally that can optimize time and improve legal practice.

Fordist Lawyering: A Business Approach

"Fordist" lawyers follow an organized production line, focusing on developing the firm as a company. They reconcile the interests of the client with the need to keep the business running. This can lead to conflicts of interest, especially when the aim is to maintain the volume of cases to ensure the firm's livelihood.

Reflection and the Future of the Legal Profession

It's time to reconsider labels in the legal profession. Instead of focusing on technicalities, lawyers must become knowledgeable about social sciences and the changes taking place. The challenge is to develop a legal profession that deeply understands society and its problems, using technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Conclusion: A New Path for the Legal Profession

The modern legal profession must evolve to overcome traditional labels. This requires a broad understanding of the areas that contribute to the genuine practice of the profession. The digital revolution is here to stay, and lawyers who embrace this change will be best placed to lead the future of the legal sector.