How startup culture influences the growth of Brazilian professionals.

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 1:17:28 AM



In this world driven by innovation and technological advances, the relationship between money and professionalism has become a crucial issue, especially in the start-up scene and the digital economy.

In this world driven by innovation and technological advances, the relationship between money and professionalism has become a crucial issue, especially in the start-up scene and the digital economy.

To understand this relationship a little better, let's take a look back. In the not-so-distant past, investing in a company was a tangible risk - whether it was your own company or not - you could put not only your capital on the line, but also your career, your credibility and even social acceptance? It was a bold but authentic bet. With the evolution of the business model (both in the world and in Brazil), entrepreneurs are increasingly dependent on investors, giving up their autonomy in exchange for capital.

This change is very sensitive and has brought about a number of common practices in the world of finance, such as "cash burn", "venture capital" and "risk appetite". However, it has also created an illusion that money can buy everything, including success, customers and employees. And here we come to the crux of the matter.

A mentality or even a set of actions that often leads to unsustainable practices, such as offering salaries and benefits above what the company can afford in the long term. The result? Losses, mass layoffs and a culture of illusion and superficiality.

This illusion is even more dangerous in the world of technology, where companies offer unrealistic salaries, extravagant benefits and a relaxed work culture, where everything seems to be easy, lots of promises and the "dream job".

That's why it's time to be alert and rethink our approach to work and money. It' s not just about earning a high salary or enjoying luxurious benefits, it's about finding a balance between financial sustainability, business health and personal fulfillment.

Decision-makers in responsible companies need to be aware of and committed to truly humanizing their processes and valuing their employees as human beings, not just as resources to be exploited.

For their part, professionals need to understand that work is more than just a means of earning money - it's an opportunity to grow, learn and contribute to something bigger, and that there are no shortcuts without hard work, dedication and sacrifice.

And thanks to technologies that are arriving and changing the way we work on a daily basis, especially in this increasingly digital, connected and technological world, it is essential to remember that, at the end of the day, we are seeking a balanced and healthy life. This can never be replaced by money or delusions of grandeur.

So the next time you find yourself faced with a tempting job offer, remember: the real value lies in finding a job that challenges you, inspires you and makes you grow as a professional and as a person and thanks to technology, today we can work in a more efficient, automated way, so that at the end of the day, we can calmly have a cup of coffee with our peers, whether you are an employee or the owner of the company, without worrying about possible layoffs.