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How do IT calls work?


Opening an IT ticket sounds simple, doesn't it? You fill in a form, click send and wait for someone to solve your problem. Have you ever thought about the complexity of this story? Let's open the black box of tickets to understand how it works...

IT professionals are like conductors in an orchestra, coordinating different instruments (or calls) to create a symphony of solutions. They receive, analyze and respond to calls that come in from users via various systems.

These calls follow a flow, depending on each company, but in general the processes are:

1 - Receiving the ticket: A user opens a ticket via a form;

2 - Analyzing the ticket: The IT team verifies the problem;

3 - Response to the ticket: The solution is sent to the user via the system;

Sounds efficient, right? But there's a problem: these systems are generally not multi-channel. In other words, the ticket can only be opened via the form. In other cases, tickets are handled by email, making it difficult to track and organize information, which complicates the generation of indicators and action plans.

Today's best IT ticketing systems handle tickets on multiple channels, and not only that, they route each ticket to the right team based on a set of intelligent rules. Let's understand 3 very important points about this:


The user can open a ticket through the channel they prefer and receive a response through the same channel or choose another one, at their convenience.

Organization and priorities

Calls are organized in priority queues, which helps to deal with the most urgent problems first.


You can create custom fields and workflows, adapting the system to the specific needs of each client and IT area.

IT professionals work to ensure that problems are solved in an efficient, organized manner and in the shortest possible time. However, the limitations of traditional systems represent a major challenge. Think about new technologies that can help this process.

Software such as ENSPACE transforms the way IT tickets are managed, offering a complete and efficient solution for your company's needs. With it, you can guarantee faster and more effective service, increasing user satisfaction and IT team productivity.