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Demystifying professional success

Desmistificando o sucesso profissional

Many people ask me about how technology can help education and how education can help professional success.

We need to look at some important factors. To begin with, we are seeing greater accessibility to higher education and postgraduate courses. However, the belief that accumulating degrees is enough to guarantee professional success is being challenged. Although degrees are important, they are not the only route to success.

If there is no preparation for the market, and for the technological tools that are required, there is no way this link can exist. From my point of view, education is inextricably linked to technology, which is linked to professional success.

Watch out for illusions!

The old promise of "getting a degree and getting a pay rise" no longer exists. Many people believe that a degree alone will lead to success, but this is now outdated thinking. If you don't consider the importance of the practical application of other knowledge, including technological knowledge, it will be very difficult to "get a better salary".

In Brazil, there are scholarship offers to attract students, turning education into a lucrative business. However, the quality of teaching often takes a back seat. Teachers are often undervalued and face challenges when trying to teach beyond the standardized curriculum.

Studying theory without practical application is a tragedy for students. They enter the job market without the necessary experience to face real challenges. The market demands professionals with practical skills, not just theoretical ones.

Professional success is not just about accumulating diplomas. You need to develop practical skills, think critically and be willing to face challenges. Adequate guidance, practical experience and technological knowledge are essential to train professionals who are prepared for today's market. Invest in your education intelligently, balancing theoretical knowledge with practical application and being aware of the latest technological trends, because there will be no more work without it.