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Legal Efficiency and Legal Ops in the technological age

Eficiência Jurídica e Legal Ops na era tecnológica

Lately, there has been a growing movement among lawyers who are embracing activities peripheral to the practice of law. These practices go beyond traditional law and align with business needs, with a focus on reducing operating costs and increasing the perceived value of lawyers in discussions about business results.

Legal Efficiency versus Legal Operations: Currents in debate

In Brazil, these new approaches to legal practice are mainly divided into two currents: Legal Efficiency and Legal Operations. Let's understand the differences and complementarities by highlighting their main definitions and applications.

Legal Efficiency

Involves practices and actions that make operational routines and management more productive and effective. According to Cláudio Bernardo, author for Benner Sistemas, Legal Efficiency refers to practices that increase the productivity and effectiveness of legal operations. Felipe Fioratti Coffone and other authors, writing for Legal One, add that Legal Efficiency connects the company's strategy with the legal department, bringing together technical knowledge and legal design and control methodologies. The idea is to transform the legal environment into a kind of unicorn startup, a benchmark in delivery for the entire organization.

Legal Operations or Legal OPS

This refers to a set of organizational changes in law firms and legal departments with the aim of optimizing legal management. Tercio Strutzel, on the Migalhas Portal, defines Legal Ops as an area that relies on people, processes and technologies to optimize legal management. Daniel Isliker P. do Amaral Mello suggests that Legal Efficiency is a part of legal operations, highlighting the need for a glossary to define the terms within legal innovations. Gustavo Rocha, on the website, broadens the definition to include workflows, budgets, technology and organizational climate.

Efficiency and operation: an etymological view

To better understand these concepts, it is useful to explore their etymological roots. The word "efficiency" comes from the Latin "effectio", which means execution, production or work. "Operation" comes from "operatio", which also refers to work or workmanship, but with a broader focus, including a set of activities and processes. Interestingly, efficiency is included in the definition of operation, but not the other way around. This suggests that, etymologically, efficiency is an integral part of operation.

The future of legal practice in the technological age

Legal practice is constantly evolving, and the concepts of Legal Efficiency and Legal Operations represent a significant transformation. While Legal Efficiency focuses on the integration and optimization of legal operations, Legal Operations aims for a broader approach, incorporating various disciplines to improve efficiency and productivity.

For lawyers, this means a paradigm shift, where technology and modern organizational methods are essential. For entrepreneurs, it's an opportunity to hire legal services that are more efficient and integrated with business needs.

The integration of Legal Efficiency and Legal Operations is shaping a new profile of lawyers, more aligned with market needs and prepared to face complex challenges with innovative solutions. Society as a whole will benefit from this evolution, resulting in more effective and adaptable legal services.

This transformation not only improves legal practice, but also promotes a more humanized and efficient legal profession, ready to meet the demands of the 21st century.

If you want to be among the best, you can't be afraid of change. This is the 21st century!