Understanding Brazilian digital matters

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 1:09:39 AM

Digital understanding and adapting to new technologies are increasingly on the agenda in business discussions in Brazil.

Companies that adopt integrated solutions and promote the continuous education of their professionals are better placed to face the challenges of the modern market.

Digital understanding in the Brazilian context

The Brazilian business landscape, despite economic difficulties, offers fertile ground for digital understanding. Product value and professional resilience are crucial to understanding how technology impacts business operations and strategies in Brazil, one of Latin America's largest markets.

The last decade has seen great growth in B2B technology, with a focus on niche solutions. Initially, these solutions were seen as quick ways to make a financial return. However, these technologies often only solve specific problems, without considering connectivity and integration between different sectors of the company.

What does this cause?

Usually these niche solutions, as has been the trend for the last 10 years, are low-bandwidth solutions that offer limited functionality. These solutions aim to correct specific technological planning problems, but often create "technological islands" within companies. The lack of communication and integration between these solutions is one of the biggest operational challenges today.

This scenario and trend must be overcome.

Overcoming biases and adopting integrated solutions.

To overcome these challenges, companies need to promote training that broadens the vision of professionals and integrates them more deeply into business operations. Technological neutrality and careful assessment of the company's needs are crucial to avoid fragmented and ineffective solutions.

Resistance to change is a significant factor preventing the adoption of new technologies. Many professionals fear losing their jobs to automation and advanced technologies.

Brazilians, due to cultural and educational factors, often value repetitive operational work. The introduction of new technologies can be viewed with suspicion and fear, resulting in resistance to change.

Digital understanding goes beyond simply using computers. It is a change in mentality, where professionals continually adapt to new technologies and processes. This is essential for staying relevant in the constantly evolving job market.

The road to the future

At this point in our evolution, it is extremely important that companies thinking about maximizing the value of technology look at solutions that are not super-focused or fragmented, but connected. We need to think of the company as a whole and not separately as sectors or departments.

This is the future. If you haven't already, you need to think and operate as the future will demand.