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WorkFlow: the road map

Fluxograma o mapa do caminho

Technology is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Whether it's to avoid traffic, find the best route or keep track of the journey, many of us use navigation apps on a daily basis. But why don't we apply the same logic to our professional activities?

Resistance to technology in the workplace

Even though technology offers countless advantages, many companies and professionals resist integrating it completely into their routines. Whether due to lack of knowledge or being in a comfort zone, the lack of a "road map" for daily tasks ends up having a negative impact on the efficiency and quality of work.

The impact of organization

As with navigation, where a good transit app can transform the commuting experience, organizing and mapping work processes can significantly improve our working lives. Having clarity about the route to follow makes tasks more efficient and less stressful.

Why do the big companies say yes?

Large companies have already seen the benefits of organizing and clearly understanding each process. Efficient organization is what differentiates a profitable and successful company from one that merely survives. So why shouldn't you adopt the same approach?

First stop: understand the processes.

To begin with, it's essential to thoroughly understand the processes and stages of daily tasks. Knowing exactly what is done allows you to better organize activities and direct efforts more efficiently.

Choose the right route

Just like on a highway, there are several ways to get to your desired destination. You can take a long, complicated route or a short, well-paved one. Any competent professional would choose the second option. And this is where BPM (Business Process Management) comes in.

Get to know the engine of your business

BPM provides a clear view of how processes are carried out, allowing areas for improvement to be identified and facilitating strategic decision-making. Companies that adopt BPM are more efficient, accurate and adaptable than those that use traditional management methods.

Paths with Flowcharts

With a thorough understanding of BPM, the next step is to build a flowchart. A flowchart maps out all the processes, ensuring that nothing gets lost and helping employees in a clear and efficient way. It serves as a visual guide, making it easier to understand and carry out tasks.


Integrating technology and process management into the workplace is not just a trend, but a necessity for those seeking efficiency and success. Just as we use navigation apps to optimize our journeys, we should use BPM to optimize our professional activities. Adopt this approach and see the transformation in your routine and in your company's results.