New legal career

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 12:45:07 AM

Legal Operations is a trend that is here to stay. This concept has already gained ground in legal circles, especially in the best and most reputable ones, and it has sparked an interesting debate about the pros and cons of incorporating these operations as an essential skill for the modern lawyer.

Let's find out more!

Implementation challenges: Resistance to the new

A recurring point is resistance. Many traditional law firms are reluctant to adopt a more organized and efficient model, fearing change. But does a law graduate want to replace the work of lawyers who already work in legal departments?

The answer is no. Legal Operations is not intended to steal your work, but to give you back the time you waste on bureaucracy and operational tasks. This resistance is understandable, but unjustified. A clear example is the case of a professional hired to work in Legal Operations, but prevented by the manager from implementing organizational improvements.

Legal Operations professionals are often confused with those who carry out Legal Control activities or other functions that lawyers generally avoid. This confusion is one of the many obstacles we need to overcome in order to understand the true value of Legal Operations.

The importance of innovation and flexibility

Innovation is essential for any field, including legal. Legal Operations allows lawyers to focus on what really matters: solving complex legal problems, proposing solutions and offering high-quality strategic advice.

Just as computers have not replaced human thought, Legal Ops will not replace your work. Lawyering is more than completing administrative tasks; it's about applying legal knowledge strategically and efficiently. However, ignoring the innovations that Legal Operations brings could limit your potential for growth and success.

The future of integrated law

Integrating Legal Operations into a lawyer's daily life can increase efficiency, improve organization and potentially lead to salary increases. It is crucial to recognize the value of data, design and new methodologies. Legal Operations and Visual Law experts advocate change as a path to better results. Don't waste time on operational tasks; focus on what really matters and watch your legal practice thrive.