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The challenge of entrepreneurship in Brazil

O desafio de empreender no Brasil

Entrepreneurship is a dream for many Brazilians. Some people are encouraged to pursue this path as a way of earning a living by working on something they believe in. In stable economies, this is fantastic, but in Brazil, where the economy faces constant challenges, entrepreneurship is seen as a shot in the dark, madness, a risky dream fraught with danger, almost a gamble.

For those who persist, one of the options is to look for investors. Then comes the investment ecosystem, which includes the market, the media and other forms of support for entrepreneurs without enough capital to put their ideas into practice.

It's a common feeling for any entrepreneur to feel euphoria when a grant arrives. However, what few imagine is that the joy will be matched by intense pressure for results. This "money" demands a return that can't always be guaranteed, starting a quasi-drama for the entrepreneur.

The reality of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not as glamorous as it is often made out to be. It is an exercise in patience, resilience and careful management of limited resources. Rapid growth can be challenging when you can't hire the best professionals due to financial constraints. It's a great asset to find intrapreneurs, i.e. employees who believe in your idea and grow with you - this can make all the difference!

Entrepreneurship in Brazil, with or without investors, requires a clear vision, a deep commitment to your purpose and a willingness to face economic challenges. It's certainly great to turn ideas into successful realities, contributing to a more sustainable and innovative business environment.

If you're ready to become an entrepreneur, choose a path that allows you freedom and long-term sustainability. Assess whether you are ready to withstand pressure from investors or whether you prefer to invest in your own business. The important thing is to keep your purpose as your guide and be prepared for the challenges and lessons that will come.

Brazilian society needs resilient and innovative entrepreneurs capable of transforming ideas into solid and sustainable businesses.