A lighter legal tech is possible!

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 1:12:18 AM

Only those who are part of the legal world know how heavy the workload is on a daily basis. Dealing with legal cases is not easy. Legal professionals face daily challenges, with crucial information, deadlines and the constant pressure to ensure that each case receives the attention it needs.

Nowadays, thanks to technology, this scenario is different. It can be lighter. And large corporations already know this and are following this path. They use technology in favor of better and lighter work routines.

First, let's look back in time to understand.

The era of traditional software

In the past, litigation software was the main tool to help manage cases. However, even with these systems, many professionals found themselves caught in traps of small mistakes when filling in data, facing constant interruptions with emails and phone calls, not to mention the errors and forgetfulness that could occur. All this wasted time and the risk of mistakes was not only frustrating, but also detrimental to the efficiency of the office.

It was the effective era of frustration and workload.

The rise of technology.

It came on the scene, and even though it wasn't such a "friend" of the legal world, it showed and still shows that it makes a difference, not just in work, but in the professional's life.

I just want to focus on the latest technology that has completely changed the way the legal departments of large companies and law firms operate: NO CODE.

What is possible?

Those who already use this technology know. The answer to what is possible for those who use NO CODE is basically EVERYTHING! Recording data becomes a simple and intuitive task; creating reminders so you never miss a deadline and keeping track of every detail of the process is easy; following processes from start to finish is effective; being notified with reminder alerts for updates is routine; customizing the desktop is done by each user; analyzing data, reports and dashboards is very fast.

How much does this miracle cost?

One of the biggest advantages of NO CODE is that it eliminates large investments. This is possible because there are no high deployment, integration or maintenance costs. In addition, the reduction in legal digital latency translates into more efficient and economical use of technological resources, i.e. affordability.

Only the big guys can?

NO! The technology is technically, financially and easily accessible to any company!