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Spreadsheets, Security and Information

Planilhas, Segurança e Informação

Since the implementation of the General Data Protection Act (LGPD), companies are increasingly focused on guaranteeing the privacy and security of user, consumer, third-party and employee data.

This effort requires intense work from the Information Technology area, which needs to implement and intensify auditable controls to prevent data leaks.

However, despite the controls, many companies still face practical challenges in protecting data. One of the main bottlenecks is the collection of information from suppliers or customers, often done via spreadsheets sent by email. This method is highly insecure, exposing sensitive data to possible intervention and unauthorized access.

The risk of e-mails and spreadsheets

Imagine that your company needs to approve a supplier and requests information filled in on a spreadsheet sent by email. This unencrypted method allows the supplier's financial, tax and company policy data to travel over the internet unprotected, leaving it vulnerable to malicious interception.

Technological Solutions to Improve Information Security

To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to adopt technological solutions that guarantee end-to-end security. Here are some suggestions:

Secure Forms: Use platforms that allow information to be collected via online forms, avoiding the transfer of data by email. This ensures that data is sent and stored in an encrypted and secure environment.

Login and Password with Dual Authentication: Provide an environment where access to information is protected by login and password, preferably with two-factor authentication. This significantly reduces attacks and ensures that all activities can be traced and audited.

Prevent misuse: Implement technologies that securely store incoming information, record all modifications and prevent the improper collection and redirection of data. This includes keeping detailed records of activities to facilitate audits and identify unauthorized access.

Ideal solution for secure data management

ENSPACE is a platform that offers a complete solution for secure information management. It allows forms to be created and documents to be attached within a secure environment, ensuring that all information is filled in and sent securely. Features include:

Tips for Successful Career Migration

Access Validation: Tracks users, dates, locations and IPs.

Document Management: Receives and organizes documents efficiently.

Workflow Automation: Creates more organized processes that are less prone to human error.

Adopting technologies such as ENSPACE can transform the way your company collects and manages data, eliminating the risk of leaks and improving information security. To find out more about how our solutions can benefit your company, consult our experts and schedule a meeting.

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Ensure that your company is prepared for the challenges of the digital age by protecting sensitive information and complying with the requirements of the LGPD effectively and securely.