Why should you consider different technologies for Legal Ops?

Written by Natalia Lima | Jun 20, 2024 8:34:16 PM

In the dynamic legal world, efficient operations management is essential.

In Brazil, the need to control disputes, lawsuits and litigation is a defining characteristic of Legal Ops. Traditionally, lawyers focus on defending clients in the courts, and preventive participation is still timid. However, technology is revolutionizing this area, offering new solutions and opportunities to optimize processes.

Evolution and Challenges of Legal Ops with Technology

With the evolution of the legal profession and the rise of lawtechs, lawyers have access to tools that promise to solve administrative problems. Although some solutions, such as agreement platforms and the use of Artificial Intelligence, have shown positive results, many professionals still feel overwhelmed by bureaucracy and repetition of tasks.

Key Features of Ideal Legal Ops Technologies

  1. Flexibility: Each legal department is unique. Effective Legal Ops software must be flexible enough to meet specific needs without limiting customization. This goes beyond just changing field names; it involves adapting the software to the specific dynamics of the organization.
  2. Adaptability: The rules and demands of the market change constantly. Legal Ops software must be adaptable, allowing for frequent adjustments without the need for complex technical developments. The ability to adjust quickly to new rules and dynamics is crucial.

  3. Digitalization: Despite advances, many lawyers are still far from a complete digital reality. The integration of technologies that facilitate human-machine interaction can transform this reality, optimizing processes and reallocating the workforce efficiently.
  4. Strategy: Technology must give lawyers their time back. If current software requires more professionals to carry out repetitive tasks, it may be time to reconsider. Legal intelligence should focus on analyzing data and offering strategic ideas, not repeating tasks.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Technology platforms should be constantly updated, improving the user experience based on feedback from hundreds of users. This ensures that the operation remains efficient and integrated, saving time and effort.
  6. Economy: Legal Ops goes beyond registering processes or reviewing contracts. It involves a range of activities that require various functionalities. Good software should integrate these activities cohesively, reducing the need for multiple applications and optimizing the operation.
  7. Independence and Autonomy: Avoid software that requires constant technical modifications and project implementation. Look for solutions that offer autonomy to the user, allowing advanced configurations without depending on a technical team.
  8. Support and Education: Lawyers who master technology are more valued. Advanced platforms offer courses and continuous learning, enabling professionals to use the tools efficiently and strategically.

Conclusion: The New Era of Legal Ops

Choosing the right technology is crucial to transforming legal operations. Horizontal and advanced technologies offer more comprehensive and integrated solutions, going beyond traditional legal software. These tools facilitate collaboration, intelligent automation and efficient communication, providing a seamless and lightweight operation for lawyers.

Adopting innovative technologies, not just labeled legal, is the key to meeting the new demands of the market. These solutions are more accessible, less complicated and packed with features that accommodate legal, operational and communication functionalities.

Transform your legal operation with the right technology and watch the efficiency and satisfaction of Legal Ops professionals grow exponentially.