How old is your software?

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 12:50:58 AM

In this article I want to explore the revolution in technology products and talk a little about the path from ERP to Workspace.

We live in an era of rapid and continuous change, and B2B technology products are no exception. Just as personal apps revolutionized our daily lives, business solutions such as ERP, CRM, CLM and Workspace are redefining the way companies operate and connect with their customers. Let's look at the history:

ERP - emerged in 1972

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) emerged in 1972 as information software for data entry, helping business owners make informed decisions.

CRM - emerged in 1980

In the 1980s, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) was introduced to improve customer relations, offering tools for better approach and service.

CLM - appeared in 1987

In 1987, Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) brought efficiency to the management of legal documents, facilitating sales and purchases of goods and services.

Workspace - appeared in 2006

Workspace represents the next generation of business tools. Designed with a focus on user experience, it adapts to business needs, promoting a balance between personal values and business goals.

Learn about the main benefits of workspace

Adaptability: Built and customized by the user themselves, at no extra cost.

User experience: The software adjusts to specific business rules, offering a fluid and intuitive experience.

Free access and fast onboarding: Available free of charge for basic users, with ongoing tutorials and easy integration.

Omnical and connected: Support for any type of business, fully integrated and prepared for the omnichannel environment.



Limited integrations: High costs and longer time to integrate different systems.

Rigid user experience: The software determines the best use, with little customization.

High implementation costs: Expensive implementations, annual subscriptions and costly training.

Single-channel and single-sector: Disconnected and not focused on work-life balance.


No-cost customization: Adaptable by the user at no extra cost.

User-centric: Software that molds itself to the needs and rules of the business.

Easy to use: Free access for simple users, with quick onboarding and constant tutorials.

Full connectivity: Support for multiple channels and sectors, fully connected and focused on value for businesses and professionals.


The revolution in B2B technology products is in full swing. Solutions such as ERP, CRM and CLM have paved the way, but Workspace is redefining what it means to have flexible, user-centered business software.

Workspace is a powerful and versatile tool, suitable for a variety of business applications. Whether it's generating contracts or complex documents with multiple rules and business processes, it offers the flexibility and efficiency needed to meet modern demands.

No matter the size or sector of your company, adopting disruptive technologies like Workspace could be the key to achieving a new level of efficiency and success.