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Mental Sustainability. Have you heard of it?

Sustentabilidade Mental. Já ouviu falar


There is no discussion among large companies about the most valuable asset, and yes, we can also say investment, in this day and age, which is human resources. Even more directly, people.

What is worrying managers and companies is what we find in people. Health. The current scenario disregards the division between the "Worker" moment and the "Personal Life" moment. People are who they are at all times, and inevitably work interferes with life and life interferes with work.

This mixture of things triggers tiredness, pressure and anguish in people. Aspects that biologically trigger changes in our bodies until we reach mental fatigue. We can't deny this global health problem.

Among these multiple factors we find the way work is carried out, especially in intellectual professions. And this is the point that we can call and the big companies have been working on: Mental Sustainability.

Care must be taken and attention paid before a problem arises. After that, there's nothing more for companies and managers to do, because it's a medical and psychological issue. So we need to look at what happens beforehand. We can create a work environment that offers a legitimate connection with the company's identity, values, beliefs and purpose, which should be thought of as being connected to people.

We're not talking here about leisure rooms in companies, snacks and massages in the workplace. We are treating and proposing a better life for our employees, who are responsible for sustaining an entire operation and can make it better or worse. This care is not just for the benefit of the employer, but also for the benefit of the community and the people in their work group.

Technology can also serve this purpose. To sustain work, the most used and precious organ is the brain. Again, it's not about eliminating previous initiatives already underway, but improving through technological tools, as large companies already do, and improving the way of working by eliminating bureaucracy and control and repetitive work in the world.

This is mental sustainability. It's a way of looking at the challenges of work, everyday activities and tasks through a different lens and with technology on our side. Our life is not about denying problems, but turning them into practical, real and technological solutions for better results and healthier lives.