Shall we think about our work?

Written by Natalia LIma | Jun 4, 2024 12:41:21 AM

Professionals often complain that they are consumed by controls, bureaucracy and repetition of tasks.

At the same time, when technology companies offer innovative solutions,these professionals feel anxious and afraid, fearing the disruption of their way of working.

Is control an illusion?

It may sound like advice from a therapist, but the control we exercise is often just a list of data, reflections of actions already carried out by other people. While we're focused on control, we forget that the real value lies in intervening in circumstances.

The reality of repetition

How long do you think your way of working is ideal, knowing that repetition consumes most of your team's time? Managers connected to the global pace of service delivery have already understood that their skills are blocked until they solve the problem of repetitive operations.

You may be the best professional in the world, but if your team is stuck in repetitive tasks, it's time to rethink your approach.

The fallacy of solving repetition with people

Many managers try to solve operational problems by increasing their workforce. However, the real challenge is to review processes and integrate technological solutions. In voluminous operations, the manager needs to know the processes in depth in order to come up with productivity solutions that go beyond the human factor. It's impossible to reduce costs without the right technology.

Managerial ambition and the imposter syndrome

Managers are fundamental to the success of companies, but their ambition for recognition can be threatened by a lack of technological knowledge. Resistance to change, driven by the Impostor Syndrome, can damage the company. It is essential to combat this syndrome, as a manager can gradually adopt digitalization and reduce repetition, achieving more fluid and strategic management.

Reflection and action

A manager needs to rethink their work and management. This exercise involves a deep examination of conscience and the courage to face up to problems. Without this reflection, replacing their position may become an inevitable reality.

Adopting technological solutions is an essential step towards transforming repetitive operations into efficient and strategic processes. Managers who embrace change and continually seek to improve their skills and processes will be better placed to lead their teams to success.