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5 Foolproof Techniques for Task Management

5 Técnicas Infaliveis para gestão de tarefas

In today's dynamic and fast-paced world, mastering task management is crucial for leaders and managers seeking efficiency and results.

Using appropriate methodologies and techniques not only facilitates the visualization of activities but also enhances project management assertively. Here are 5 powerful techniques to improve your task management:

GTD (Getting Things Done)

Or "Getting Things Done," is a methodology that organizes tasks through sequential steps. The idea is to capture, process, organize, review, and execute tasks systematically.

  • Capture: Write down all ideas, pending tasks, and points of attention.
  • Clarify: Decide what to do with each item and eliminate those that do not require action.
  • Organize: Categorize and prioritize demands.
  • Reflect: Review items frequently to keep them updated.
  • Engage: Execute tasks with focus and dedication.


The Kanban methodology uses visual boards to organize tasks according to their stage of progress. This approach facilitates the tracking and management of workflow.

  • Visual Boards: Use cards to represent tasks and move them according to their status (in progress, completed).
  • Responsibilities and Deadlines: Assign responsibilities and set deadlines for each task.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor the progress of activities clearly and visually.

Justin’s Method

Justin’s Method is a simple and effective technique, initiated the night before the tasks are to be executed.

  • Division into Three Parts: Divide a sheet of paper into three equal parts.
  • Life Goals: Three long-term goals.
  • Weekly Goals: Three goals for the week.
  • Daily Activities: Up to 10 activities to be carried out on the day.
  • Focus and Clarity: With clear goals, it is easier to define and focus on daily tasks.

Time Tags

The Time Tags technique organizes the day's tasks according to the estimated duration.

  • Time Distribution: Before starting the day, distribute tags such as 15 minutes, half an hour, 1 hour, 3 hours, and 6 hours for each task.
  • Utilizing Intervals: Use the tags to allocate tasks in the intervals between commitments, optimizing the available time.

Mentalizing Achievements

Mentalizing Achievements helps to recognize and celebrate small victories, promoting motivation and well-being.

  • Listing Achievements: List your weekly achievements in three categories:
    • WOW: For complex tasks completed.
    • GREATER ME: Future goals that drive personal development.
    • ETC: Random moments that deserve to be remembered.
  • Positive Reinforcement: The practice of recognizing achievements improves the organizational climate and increases engagement.

ENSPACE is a powerful ally in task management, offering functionalities that go beyond controlling tasks and priorities. With ENSPACE, you can integrate the entire team, tasks, and projects into a single system, saving resources and improving efficiency. Learn more about ENSPACE's functionalities and transform task management in your company.

Applying effective task management techniques is essential to increase productivity and improve workflow in your company. Try GTD, Kanban, Justin’s Method, Time Tags, and Mentalizing Achievements to optimize your processes. With ENSPACE technology, you can take task management to a new level, ensuring efficiency and exceptional results. Talk to our ENSPACE specialists and discover how to transform your area or company!