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Modernizing Business Processes with Technology

Modernizando Processos Empresariais com Tecnologia

In the pursuit of efficiency and modernization, companies often face challenges in updating old business rules and models.

Many of these practices were established in the early 2000s, a time when the available technology was very different from what we have today. In this article, we explore how technology can optimize business processes, using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) as an essential tool.

Business Rules and Models: The Necessary Evolution

In most companies with more than 200 employees, the rules and models were created more than two decades ago. At that time, the focus was on documenting processes rather than automating them. With the constant turnover of professionals, the history of decisions and the rationale behind the rules are often lost. Updating these processes to fit new technologies may seem difficult, but it is necessary to ensure efficiency and competitiveness.

Continuous Investment in Technology

One of the biggest misconceptions is considering that acquiring software eliminates the need for continuous improvements. It is common for professionals to submit their annual budgets without anticipating technology expenses, treating them as sporadic. However, the reality is that technology should be a continuous investment. Despite this, it still represents the same 9% of business expenses as it did ten years ago.

Accelerating Changes with Technology

We do not use the same technologies from ten years ago in our personal lives, so why should we in businesses? The slow adoption of new technologies within organizations compromises modernization and professional development. Senior professionals often spend up to four hours a day on repetitive tasks that could be automated. Implementing technologies that reposition the way these professionals work is essential to increasing productivity and efficiency.

Control and Efficiency: Finding the Balance

The efficiency of a business model ends where control begins. Structured processes, with audits and checks, are necessary to ensure compliance but can limit agility. The key is to find a balance between control and efficiency. Introducing technologies that automate steps before the control check can be an effective solution. For example, validating information in automated systems before submitting it to audit can increase efficiency without compromising security.

Starting the Transformation with BPMN

BPMN is a powerful tool for mapping and optimizing business processes. It allows companies to clearly visualize their processes and identify areas for improvement and automation. By using BPMN, companies can start small, testing new models in specific parts of the process, and expanding as safety and efficiency are proven.

Conclusion: Modernization is Continuous

Modernizing business processes is a continuous task that requires a commitment to technological updating and efficiency. Managers must be willing to constantly review and update business models, using tools like BPMN to ensure processes are agile and efficient without compromising necessary control.

Investing in technology is not a sporadic expense but a continuous strategy to maintain competitiveness and efficiency. The adoption of new technologies should be seen as an opportunity to eliminate repetitive tasks and unlock the potential of professionals for more strategic activities.

If your company is still stuck with old business models, it is time to start the transformation. Use BPMN to map your processes and identify areas for improvement. Invest in technologies that automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency. Remember, modernization is an ongoing process that requires commitment and strategic vision.

Take advantage of technology to transform your business processes and achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity.