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What is background check?

O que é background check

Many people have asked about this question. If we could sum it up in a few words, it would be the key to a safe decision.

To think about it, let's imagine you're about to hire a supplier for a project. The background check is like choosing a partner for a dance: you need to be sure that they know the steps and won't stumble in the middle of the hall.

The background check is the guarantee that your dance partner will be reliable and competent. The same goes for hiring suppliers: you need to be sure that they are reliable, meet deadlines and deliver quality.

How do you organize a Background Check?

It's usually done by entering supplier data into software, which then connects to big data, which returns with an avalanche of information that is classified to determine the "risk" of hiring that particular supplier. Based on this analysis, a decision is made as to whether or not the supplier will be approved for the company's official register.

Many of the software packages used today do not offer direct integration. Many professionals lack the experience and knowledge for complex analyses. And then the scenario gets complicated. Lack of proper verification can lead to serious problems, such as disrupted processes, delayed deliveries and failure to fulfill contracts.

Technology in your favor

Thanks to new technologies, the most efficient companies no longer use spreadsheets and systems that only perform a single task. There is already software on the market that records information and approves suppliers in partnership with big data solutions and offers an up-to-date overview of each supplier's credit, tax and financial information.

Benefits of background check systems

1 - Multichannel consultation: communicates with large databases, such as Serasa, providing accurate and up-to-date information;

2 - Risk classification: information is classified automatically, facilitating risk analysis;

3 - Assertive decisions: With accurate data, decision-making becomes safer and more efficient;

4 - Economy and efficiency: automating complex processes and saving time and resources.

In the business world, every decision matters. Hiring suppliers without proper verification is like a game of chance. Relying on technologies that work in your favor is the same as having a clear and detailed vision that helps ensure that every step is firm and secure.

These new technologies are not just a tool for your purchasing activities, but a platform that allows you to explore new functionalities and improve processes that have not yet been optimized.

If you need better results, the best way is to invest to ensure security, efficiency and success in every decision.