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The well-being ROI

O ROI bem-estar

Sustainability, the environment and the well-being of professionals are essential for maintaining teams and progress in any area. Recent studies highlight the growing importance of these issues and show how tools such as ENSPACE can transform companies' productivity and efficiency?

According to a survey by the Dom Cabral Foundation, 83% of respondents believe that well-being is as important as salary, and 73% say that they only consider companies that prioritize well-being when evaluating a new job position.

This data highlights the need for companies to invest in work environments that promote employee health and satisfaction.

Another example is Gympass, in its "ROI of Well-being" survey, which interviewed 2,000 human resources leaders who reported concern for the health and well-being of employees, understanding these aspects as high-return investments. These leaders recognize that a healthy working environment can lead to a significant reduction in costs and increase productivity.

There are also studies by universities, such as UFMG, the Federal University of Minas Gerais, which has investigated disorders caused by time pressure and repetition of tasks.

The Ministry of Health also points out that repetitive work can lead to professionals falling ill, reinforcing the need to rethink work routines in order to promote well-being.

Investing in the well-being of employees is not just a matter of health, but also of financial return. An employee who costs the company around R$6,000 a month can be repositioned to more intellectual and stimulating activities, which, according to research, increases motivation and productivity.

Here are some important figures:

  • 78% reduction in health care costs;
  • 85% reduction in medical certificates;
  • 322 billion dollars saved in voluntary turnover and lost productivity;
  • Savings of 6 to 8 salaries by avoiding replacements due to burnout, unproductivity and demotivation.

Invest in well-being and see the difference in your company's ROI. After all, changing the way the world works starts with simple steps towards a more sustainable and healthy working environment.