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Your HR screening process on another level

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Have you ever thought about the complexity and importance of a selection process? Each stage, from applying for a job to hiring, can be a real challenge.

When a vacancy opens up, the manager asks HR to open the process, detailing the necessary requirements. The HR professional then prepares an advertisement and publishes it on various job platforms and the CVs received are screened, either manually or using software, and the selected candidates are forwarded to the manager in charge, who evaluates them and schedules interviews. After the interviews, the manager decides whether or not to approve the candidate.

In short, these are the stages of a serious selection process. And what many HR professionals report are the difficulties and problems they face when using tools such as Gupy, Inhire, Bizneo, Mindsight,, Sólides, ATS and Recrutei. The most common complaints include:

Lack of organization: Disorganized processes make it difficult to evaluate and pass on information.

Lengthy process: The use of various tools makes the process slow and complicated.

Inefficient communication: Many emails are exchanged between managers and HR just to arrange interview dates and obtain information about the vacancy.

Inadequate selection by AI: Artificial intelligences often make inadequate selections, resulting in rework.

Lack ofindicators: Lack of clear indicators to evaluate the time spent selecting a candidate.

These problems result in wasted time, money and a high risk of errors. If you could rate the bureaucracy and time wasted in your current selection process from 0 to 10, how would you rate it?

Optimize and change your HR

Imagine having all your selection processes organized and centralized on a single platform. Think of your HR-DP area with all the activities organized. Would centralizing all activities improve your communication? Would having accurate data for more assertive decisions optimize your routines?

You should know that large companies have already achieved all this with software that is accessible to everyone, regardless of size. The main improvements identified and reported by these corporations are:

Centralization of processes: After the vacancy is advertised, all CVs are registered in the same place where assessment tasks are created and managers access the CVs.

Scheduling interviews: Candidates can schedule interviews directly on the platform, eliminating the need for endless email exchanges.

Collaborative actions: It is possible to make notes and observations on the candidate's record, allowing everyone involved to have a complete and detailed view of the assessments.

Communication tracking: All communications are linked to the vacancy record, keeping a complete history of all communications.

Automated emails: Automatic emails are sent with a variety of text options, avoiding the need to write repetitive messages.

Performance indicators: It is possible to create graphs showing HR performance and efficiency, providing valuable data for improving the selection process.

If you want talent, you need to keep up to date with the market. Use the best practices and tools, as large companies already do. Transform your selection process and take your business to the next level.